Leadership for safety

During the first day, through the training game The Last Expedition, participants will become aware of the processes behind risk tolerance and their responsibility for the near and far consequences of their actions.

They will learn about the Bradley Curve concept and identify at which stage of safety culture their organization is. They will learn about the triangle for safety and practice applying its elements (exposé, intervention conversation, catching on good work) among employees of their organization. Based on the Dirty Twelve, they will become aware of the most common predictors of unsafe employee behavior. They will learn to communicate with their supervisors aimed at realizing their own responsibility for the safety of themselves and the teams they manage.


  • Bradley curve
  • good safety practices
  • proximate effects and further effects
  • triangle for safety
  • Dirty Twelve
  • principles of behavioural language
  • legal and civil responsibility
  • talking about consequences
  • assertive refusal
  • implementing change – force field analysis


  • participants will receive forms for conducting behavioral audits for designated positions,
  • participants are familiar with the methodology for recording and using audit observations,
  • participants are aware of the ways of conducting and communicating audits,
  • participants know how to conduct audit interviews in both abstract and directly job-related situations.

GAME: Final Quest

Looking for a tool to make your employees aware of the value of working safely? The training game The Final Quest deals with the topic of work safety. During the game…


Behavioral audits

This training is divided into a workshop and a practical part in the workplace. During the first part, in the course of workshop exercises…


TTT (Train The Trainers)

During the first day of training, participants will learn and understand the specifics of adult learning. Throughout the training, participants will work with…


On the job training (OJT)

How do you effectively induct new employees into their responsibilities? Training on the Job develops the skills of employees and trainers in…